433 days 21 hours 51 minutes 47 seconds


First things first, We give glory to the Greatest! We thank God for the success of the wedding ceremonies, having finished what He started years ago and transitioning Us into the next phase of our journey. To Him be all the Glory, ‘cause only He does these things, making all things Beautiful in their time; marvellous in our sight.

We would also want to use this opportunity to thank the immediate and extended families of the Hassan’s and the Nehemiah’s, firstly for bringing us up in the way of the Lord and in good homes with Christian standards; and secondly for the immense support and overwhelming love on our journey. They say the love of a family is life’s greatest blessing and indeed you are God’s greatest blessing to us.

We would also be taking this opportunity to shout out our mentors, seniors, and father and mother figures who have provided us with guidance along the way of our 3,000+ day journey; DJ Klem & Max (The Kponus), GT (The Toms), Pastor Tolu Moody (Sycamore Church), and a host of others. Your labour of love does not go unnoticed, and we pray that it will not go unrewarded. We love and celebrate You sirs and mas!

To our Church Communities; Christ Chapel UCH, National Hospital Chapel Abuja, Vessels Of Honour Foundation, Sycamore Church Ibadan, The Powerpoint Tribe, and The Baptizing Church Global; We say Thank You! You showed up in no small way, giving of your substance, climbing seven mountains and crossing seven seas to celebrate with us. We are indeed grateful to be planted in such great company that are indeed disciples of Christ as witnessed by the love You have for Us. We celebrate and Honour You.

To our Professional & Creative Communities Longstrell Impressions, Enzo Krypton & Company, and Base XII, amongst others, we extend our heartfelt appreciation and gratitude to you for going above and beyond to make our wedding an extraordinary and unforgettable experience. You took time off your busy schedules (and on a weekday 😅) to make the event physically and virtually. Your dedication and unwavering commitment to us have left an indelible mark on our hearts.

To the #WeGettingMarried Team, Thank You! We kept you awake for standing meetings, week in and week out. It was worth it in the end eh? 😏. To the sub-teams, #BlackOps, #VirtualEvent #Soiree, and the ones we forgot to name 😂, Thank You! Thank you for giving your time, your talents, your devices, your services and yourself. Thank you for making Thursday work! A lot of sweat, coffee and emotions went into making the offline and online events run as smoothly, and we can not even begin to quantify your labour or our appreciation for you. We would like to especially appreciate Toni Hassan and Olamide Odiahi. You guys are indeed the Best! Thank You! To all the other professionals and creatives who played a part in making our wedding day extraordinary, your contributions were invaluable. Whether you were behind the scenes, ensuring the logistics ran seamlessly, or providing your services to enhance the overall experience, we are immensely grateful for your expertise and dedication.

To the Bridal Party & Friends, We say cheers to making a glamorous and memorable event. You showed up! 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 We can indeed say all our guys are Ballers! Thank you for making it physically, and thank you for making it Virtually. We cherish the memories created on our wedding day and owe it all to you. Your warm smiles, heartfelt wishes, and joyful presence filled the air with incredible energy and made our celebration truly magical. The love we felt from our family and friends enveloped us, creating an atmosphere of love and happiness that we will forever hold close to our hearts. Thank you for taking the time to celebrate with us.

Lastly and very importantly, to each and every one of our friends, mentors, families and loved ones who generously contributed to our wedding and home, through financial means and gifts. We are truly humbled by your kindness and immense display of love even in a season such as this. Your contributions have made a lasting impact on our lives, and we will forever remember your generosity. We pray that God blesses and multiplies your seed sown and increases the harvest of your righteousness. Amen!

Till We Meet Again,
With Hearts Full of Love,
Temi & Itoro Nehemiah